I know that schools need funds to keep them going...
I know the State DOES NOT provide enough money per child...
I know that teachers DO NOT make nearly enough money for all they do...
I also know that it takes ALOT of money for our children to attend school and have all the fun experiences that go along with learning.
However I DO NOT agree that the school or PTA/PTO should put a price on what if anything parents must give.
Case in point...
My daughter is 5 had been in kindergarten for 4 (F-O-U-R) days when she brought home her first (of many I'm sure) fundraiser. We choose to make a donation to the school rather than ask our families and friends to buy this overpriced, never needed merchandise. This has been our practice. Child brings home fundraiser, we write check to school and forget all about it.
Now with this particular fundraising opportunity a note from some parent no one knows or cares to interact with accompanied it. This note stated that if the child did not sell at least 15 items or bring in a "donation" of $40 they would not get to participate in a party that will be taking place in the fall.
Herein lies my issue(s) 1. How dare you tell me how much I need to donate. 2. What happens if the parents really can't afford to pay $40 per child. 3. How dare you exclude any child whether or not their parents choose to participate in this extortion fundraiser. 4. Way to single out the kids whose parents choose to sit this one out regardless of the reason.
This situation has me fuming because I CAN NOT STAND when someone singles out a child and makes them feel different, less than, inadequate, or whatever word you want to use. Children should be included in any and all activities that come along with the school day and to say they won't be allowed if their parents don't pay is WRONG.
Well there is my rant...
Sidenote - just because we have decided that our family will not participate in fundraisers doesn't mean I will bash any family that decides they want their child to have this experience.
P.S. please don't take this personally if you are a parent who enjoys buying overpriced crap you don't need fundraising or making sizable donations to organizations not of your choosing.

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