Sunday, May 22, 2011

Not Much Happening!!!

Not really much happening in my world...

Although it has been a GREAT weekend.  Relaxing, and with mostly beautiful weather...couldn't ask for more.  I have spent alot of time with family and friends this weekend, and that has gotten me thinking about how grateful I am for my family (with includes friends).

First off, my BFF and I have decided (and started which are 2 very different things) to start working out.  We are really doing it!!! I can't believe how out of shape I really am, but I have started and now I am determined to keep going.  Sore or not (and boy am I sore)!  D (you know who you are) - thanks for the motivation and the workout time with you it really does help having you next to me.

Secondly, my family is the absolute BEST!!!  I have great kids, an awesome "better half" and great extended family.  We had a spur of the moment cookout today, great food, great conversation, and just plain ole' fun.  I love to see everyone getting along and just enjoying being together.  It should always be like that.  Sadly, in my family that is not the case...but it was today.  WAHOOOOOO!!!!

Finally, the coupons really paid off today.  I got some stuff that we use and needed for some really great deals.  And even a couple of free things.

So all in all it was a good weekend, and I am confident in saying bring it on Monday...I am ready for you.

Hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend as much as I did.


dkdart16 said...

Thanks!sorry its been a week or so since I have worked out...but lets get back to it!

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