Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm Bored...what is there to do???

Summer means no school and in my kids eyes that means there is nothing to do and they are continually complaining they are bored.  Like I should be entertaining them or something.  I don't think so...

I have my own stuff to do, like homework, dishes, cleaning, laundry, cleaning some more (it never ends around here), oh and cooking (yeah right).  Anyway, I resolve that I will take my kids out and do something fun with them at least 3 times a week.

I admit it I am a complete and total homebody.  I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. being home.  I am not someone who needs to be doing something outside the house at all waking moments.  I would rather be home doing homework, dishes, cleaning, laundry, cleaning some more (it never ends around here), oh and cooking (yeah right). That's right I said it I would rather be doing things at home then out running around doing crap that costs money and just makes me crazy.

So this summer I will take my kids out to do something fun at least 3 times a week, and this is on top of the 2 nights a week the little one plays T-Ball.  Whew am I striving to be the greatest mom of all time or what????

Let me know what you do with your kiddos during summer and how many times per week do you take them to do things outside of the house (the backyard doesn't count, or so I have been  told).


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